Cuando escribas una carta de presentación para un trabajo donde el idioma Inglés sea requerido en mayor o menor medida, lo ideal es que escribas una carta personalizada en este idioma. De este modo la primera impresión que tendrá el reclutador de ti será que te has tomado gran interés en redactarla, y si encima reflejas tu personalidad y dominio del idioma, puede que esta sea la clave para que tu solicitud vaya adelante.
A continuación te vamos a ayudar con ejemplos prácticos a componer esa carta de presentación/ cover letter que puede decidir tu futuro en algún momento. ¿Estás preparado?
En primer lugar, ya sabes que puedes escribir una carta de presentación ante dos situaciones distintas: como respuesta a un anuncio u oferta, o presentar tu candidatura e interés por trabajar en la empresa sin tener un anuncio previo.
A continuación, te damos multitud de ejemplos prácticos, frases hechas y la estructura que debes seguir para escribir tu “cover letter”
- Opening (Saluda a quien vaya dirigida la carta. Ten en cuenta si conoces el nombre de la persona, etc)
- To whom it may concern
- Dear Sir or Madam
- Dear Mr…..
- Reason for writing (Escribe aquí tus razones para escribir esta carta, donde has visto el anuncio publicado, etc)
- I’m writing in reply to your advertisement in………for……….
- I am writing to apply for the post of…………………….., which was advertised on…………………………, on 12 January 2015
- I write to apply for the ……. position at……………….
- I am applying for the post of…………, which I saw advertised in the July edition of ……………….
- I’m writing to express my interest in the position of….
- I wish to apply for the position of….
- I’m writing in response to your advertisement for….
- I’m writing to enquire as to whether there are any vacancies….
- Introducing yourself (Preséntate, cuenta en que trabajas actualmente o qué es lo que haces)
- At the moment, I’m working……….. My responsabilities range from + V-ing……… to + V-ing…… This role involves + V-ing…….
- Currently I am……..
- I’m in charge of strategic planning;
- As a Sales Director, I’m responsible for strategic planning;
- I lead a team of five people
- My main duties include strategic planning and setting targets etc;
- My field is human resource / psychology ..;
- I am currently working as a …../I’m currently studying…..
- At present, I’m working for ………. where I’m responsible for………
- I have been working in my current position for the past (time)……
- Talking about your education and experiences (Cuenta algo sobre tu educación y experiencia, pero no te extiendas que para eso ya está tu CV)
- I graduated from…… with a degree/master’s degree in……
- The nature of my degree has prepared me for this position
- As you can see from my CV, I have worked……. And gained experience…….
- My mother tongue is …….. and I am fluent in …. …. and… ….
- Why you are the best for this position (Cuenta porque crees que eres el mejor para ese puesto, habla un poco de tus habilidades y competencias)
- As you will see from my CV……….
- My current job has improved my communication skills, my leadership skills and my ability to lead and supervise subordinates effectively.
- I am able to take on the responsibility of this position immediately, and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it.
- I believe that I possess the temperament and experience to excel in this position
- I am a very practical person, easy-going, and I find it easy to establish a good working relationship.
- I’m good at planning / dealing with people
- people say I’m very hard-working;
- I’ve often been praised for my organizational skills / being always on time;
- My time management is excellent;
- I’m reliable;
- I can cope with stressful situations;
- I always strive to meet deadlines / achieve my goals;
- I’m particularly proud of my ability to deal with multiple tasks
- Closing comments (Estás a punto de acabar, hazlo agradeciendo con cortesía la atención prestada y mostrando tu interés por concertar una entrevista)
- I would be pleased to discuss this letter and my enclosed cv, and I look forward to hearing from you.
- I am available for interview at any time.
- Thank you for taking the time to consider this application
- If you have any further questions or require any additional documentation, please contact me using the above information. Thank you for your time and consideration.
- If you wish to contact me, you can do so on …….
- Should you require further information, do not hesitate to contact me
- Please find CV attached (emails), enclosed (letters)
- Signing off (Despedida)
- I look forward to hearing from you
- Yours sincerely
- Yours faithfully
Si sigues todos estos pasos, habrás creado una estupenda cover letter, pero ten en cuenta que a estas frases hechas deberás sumarles tu personalidad. Sé creativo añadiendo de tu cosecha y demostrando todo lo que vales. ¡¡¡Ya has dado el primer paso para mejorar tu futuro!!!!